written by Alison Quigan & Ross Gumbley directed by David Charteris16 to 25 March 2017 at 8pm Matinees Sunday 19 and Saturday 25 March at 2pm No evening performance Sunday 19 March No performance Monday 20 March "We can invite all our friends, drink what we like, stay up as late as we want, - who's gonna say no? Our very own half g, quarter acre shagging paradise."In 1974, as the NZ cricket team fails to win against Australia, four men fresh out of university buy a section at the beach for the ultimate Kiwi summer. The onstage action parallels our turbulent cricket history of the next twenty-three years, as we watch the ‘Boys at the Beach’, and later their families, drink, sing, play cricket and hang around the barbie as they stumble into manhood and the associated rites of Kiwi passage to become upstanding citizens and men of property.