written by Ken Duncum
directed by Sian Davis
10 to 19 November 2011 at 8pm
Matinees Sunday 13 and Saturday 19 November at 2pm
No show Monday 14 November
“In recent years some of the finest New Zealand Plays were written by Ken Duncum. In Cherish he has created a masterpiece.” -- Theatre News
"This story of two gay couples trying to raise children is thought-provoking. Cherish will stir your emotions and make you laugh." Nicholas Linnehan, Theatre Talk
"One of the greatest pleasures in attending theater is to fall into the web of a history well woven and encircling. Cherish is a text that you can enjoy this way. It carries us through surprise to surprise without falling into the temptation of rebellious sensationalism. The story of so large an action that it destroys what it loves is so stunning that what is less important here are the details of the sexual orientation of the people. The genius of the playwright is exactly in the subtlety and smoothness of the chain of events. They take us to the end of the play with a beautiful elegance that permits us to let down our moral guard and to see the true moral challenges. " Victor Weinstock, El Economista
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