Maxine Burgham-Page has been involved in the performing arts for the past five decades being tutuored in drama, music, dance and singing and moving from monologues into musical theatre as an adolescent and from there into professional opera as a young adult, remaining with various opera companies until 1998 as well as performing and touring one woman shows with Arts Council grants. In 2005 she joined Ellerslie Theatre for the performance of Soldier's Song which was later taken to Norfolk island for the Australasian drama festival in which the Ellerslie group was placed second.
In 1994, following a three year part-time teaching position at the performing arts school in Auckland, Maxine formed the Song'n'Prance Troupe which has now been going for 15 years and performs about 50 gigs a year in and around the greater Auckland area.
Maxine first saw a version of Talking Heads in the West End, London in 1996 and decided then it was definitely a 'must do' sometime and eventually discussed the idea with Sue and Max and here we are, still performing the first three monologues fifteen months later and now being offered an opportunity to tour. I hope you enjoy listening to Alan Bennett's portrayal of three ordinary lives blighted by individual difficulties as much as we enjoy performing the monologues for you. Thank you to Ellerslie Theatre for the invitation to present Talking Heads at the Stables. |