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Retained assets

After we had completed disposing of most of our assets, as described in 'Disposing of our physical assets', below, we retained a minimum set of items that would be useful if Ellerslie War Memorial Hall were to continue as a performing arts venue. There was a concern that, if the hall were no longer a good space for performers, it might be sold by Auckland Council, given that it is in a position close to Ellerslie Train Station, which is a significant transport hub. We knew that, despite its title, the hall was not shown on the NZ memorials register map. We were also aware that there is little recognition that the hall was built by public subscription.

These factors made us determined to attempt to keep the hall as a performing arts space.

We retained the following items.
  • the lighting system, including a basic lighting rig, the lighting console, three dimmer packs, various extension cables, manuals, and spares
  • the sound system, including the a sound console, a main sound amplifier, two main speakers above the proscenium arch, the sound snake at stage left linked to the control room and connectable to the sound console, manuals, and spares
  • the public address system, including a second amplifier, linked to the PA speakers around the hall and to the microphone inputs on the front of the stage, various speakers around the venue, microphones, and cables.
  • stage equipment, including two traveller tracks above the stage, each with two black serge drapes, four black serge legs, with two on each side of the stage, and a black stage fringe
  • seating rostra, including ground floor rostra stored under the stage and other rostra in place on the mezzanine
  • scenic equipment, including flats and door units
  • furniture, including the bench in the control room and a desk and two storage shelving units in the storage room
  • front of house and rehearsal equipment, including cutlery, cups, and decorative items

We were adamant that any organization taking over these items must be capable of
  1. securing them, to prevent damage by other hirers
  2. maintaining them, to keep them in good order and in compliance
  3. making them available to other hirers and providing training and support for their use

Disposing of our physical assets

After the Members of Ellerslie Theatrical Society agreed to its winding-up in late 2023, the management committee began the process of disposing of our physical assets. Under our Rules, if we wound up, our assets must 'be applied towards some other charitable organisation or body having objects similar to the objects of this organisation or for some other charitable purpose in New Zealand'. We agreed that we could satisfy this requirement by offering our assets to other performing arts groups that are incorporated societies or charitable trusts. We focused originally on twelve 'sibling' theatres in Auckland, although some of our assets eventually went to community theatres outside Auckland.

Following our best efforts to dispose of our assets in this way, by listing our assets on a website and inviting offers from the other community theatres, and holding two 'open days' for them to inspect and take items, and organizing a number of booked visits for inspection and removal, we decided that we should make our remaining items, largely wardrobe, available to the public, and we held events at the hall where people could purchase items. This met the requirement of our Rules, as, while we were disposing of physical assets, we were adding to our financial assets, which will be distributed to other community theatres in the future.

Most of the rest of our physical assets were taken to op shops run by charities, as they serve 'some other charitable purpose', as stated in our Rules.

A relatively small number of remaining assets were placed in two 3 cubic metre rubbish bags and collected by a waste disposal company.