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Tenzin Weber-Stephens

image for Tenzin Weber-Stephens

This is Tenzin’s second play outside of high school. At Selwyn College he played Vershinin in Chekov’s ‘The Three Sisters’, and Mickey in the musical ‘Blood Brothers’. Last year he played a part in Stage Two’s production of ‘Oedipus’. Tenzin is looking forward to expanding his performance skills and auditioning for acting school for next year.

Tenzin Weber-Stephens, who plays Ben in Motel, talks to David Blakey

David: You were cast in this play in an unusual way. Can you tell me what happened?
Tenzin: I was getting off the bus with my friend and was walking past the building when I saw a piece of paper saying ‘Auditions’. I looked at the building, because I had lived in Ellerslie since I was four year years old and never knew that there was a theatre there. I walked into the foyer and was looking at some flyers. The auditions were just wrapping up. Someone came and spoke to me. I told her about myself and she suggested that I come in and audition. I read the script for about five minutes and then read for the part.

David: So you have a background in acting?
Tenzin: I took drama through high school: my last show was Three Sisters by Chekhov. The school also put on musicals and I never thought about them until the head of drama saw me in a Year 13 play and suggested that I auditioned. At university, I was in Stage 2, which is the university theatre group, in a modernized Oedipus.

David: Why does the play appeal to you?
Tenzin: Just how voyeuristic it is, seeing how people behave in private moments, although they are putting up facades and lying. Other plays I’ve been in have just been theatrical. I can relate to my character – in a shocking manner – seeing how people behave in unusual and private scenes.

David: So you like Ben?
Tenzin: He’s decided what he wants to go for, and he’s trying his best. He’s trying to be businesslike, but there’s a twist and he has to deal with the situation when emotions get into it. He exposes himself and becomes vulnerable. People are always putting up masks and he is brave enough to drop his mask and to become open and reveal himself.

For Ellerslie TheatreMotel (2014)Ben