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Juleigh Parker

image for Juleigh Parker

First seen at ETS in 'Nude With Violin', Juleigh returns to do her first Roger Hall play. Fresh from a spell back home in the United Kingdom, and following a busy year playing in 'The Memory of Water' and 'Ladies Down Under' at Dolphin Theatre, she is enjoying playing lascivious ‘prima donna’ Maxine.

“We (the cast) have had lots of fun portraying the bevy of disparate women, secrets emerging and personalities clashing. Plenty to get one’s teeth ( and nails!) into …”

Last seen at Ellerslie in Social Climbers, Juleigh has again teamed up with Val, the Memory of Water, and Mike, Ladies Down Under, in this atmospheric play. Drawn mainly to comedy since her debut at Dolphin Theatre in The Opposite Sex, she has enjoyed being directed by Richard, as he encourages her to explore Peta's flawed personality.

For Ellerslie TheatreActs And Omissions (2015)Peta
Social Climbers (2015)Maxine
Nude With Violin (2012)Isobel Sorodin