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David Steadman

image for David Steadman

David has performed in various plays around Auckland both contemporary and Shakespearean. His favourite productions that he has appeared in are: 'Amy's View' and 'Strangers on a Train'. Normally cast as the psycho or the villain it's odd to now find himself as the 'voice of reason' in the proverbial madhouse. David has spent the last year fighting his way back to health from a heart infection. Contrary to what he may attest, David, like McMurphy, was not a model patient.

For Ellerslie TheatreFesten (2017)Michael
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (2008)Randle P McMurphy
The Lady's Not For Burning (2006)Thomas Mendip
Ritual For Dolls (2004)Bravo
Major Barbara (2003)Bill Walker
Rehearsal For Murder (2002)Leo Gibbs
The Aspern Papers (2001)Pasquale