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Jason Moffatt

image for Jason Moffatt

Jason Moffatt began his adult dramatic career at Dunedin’s Globe Theatre, in a well-received production of 'Twelfth Night' in 1990. Subsequent productions there and at the Maidment Theatre in Auckland included a Greek comedy/tragedy double-bill of 'Lysistrata' and 'The Bacchae'. While in London for his O.E., Jason studied part-time at L.A.P.A (the London Academy of Performing Arts) in Fulham. There, he played in a student production of Pirandello’s 'Right You Are, If You Think You Are'. A professional career, behind the cameras, in the television industry followed. Jason returned to the stage, after a fourteen year hiatus, in last year’s award winning production of “The Lion in Winter” for the Ellerslie Theatrical Society. His portrayal of a petulant Prince John earned him a nomination for ‘Best Actor in a Supporting Role’ at the ACTT Awards. He followed that up, playing a king this time, with a fine performance as Alonso, the King of Naples, in this year’s Auckland University Outdoor Summer Shakespeare production, “The Tempest.” A self-confessed Sherlock Holmes aficionado, Jason leapt at the chance to be involved with this production. He remembers fondly as a young boy reading his first ever Sherlock Holmes story, and still his favourite, “The Adventure of the Speckled Band.” This thrilling introduction began a lifelong fascination with the tenants of 221B Baker Street and Jason is very excited to now get to portray his childhood hero on the stage.

For Ellerslie TheatreEnchanted April (2019)director
The 39 Steps (2017)Richard Hannay
The Case of the Garrotted Governess (2009)Sherlock Holmes
The Lion in Winter (2008)John