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Darren Waugh

image for Darren Waugh

Darren is very happy to once again have the opportunity to write in third person. Darren has appeared in a variety of shows in many theatres all over Auckland, the most recent being Fumble in Cinderella the Panto at Howick Little Theatre, King Phillip in The Lion In Winter at The Stables and Harlan in When The Reaper Calls At the Dolphin Theatre. Darren realises how lucky he is to be in a show where he knows almost all the cast and crew and is enjoying all the challenges that his role brings.

For Ellerslie TheatreFrom Here to the Library (2013)Mr Gostilow
The First Night of Pygmalion (2010)Male Narrator
The Lion in Winter (2008)King Philip of France
South Sea Bubble (2007)Hali Alani
The Extraordinary Revelations of Orca The Goldfish (2006)Henry Smith
Picasso At The Lapin Agile (2005)Freddy
The Importance of Being Earnest (2004)Algernon Moncrieff
Private Lives (2003)Victor Prynne
The Reluctant Debutante (2002)David Bulloch
Fallen Angels (2001)William Banbury