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Sian Davis

image for Sian Davis

I am particularly interested in promoting the staging of New Zealand plays, I am also game to direct anything, modern or classical, that offers an interesting challenge. As now, I have always enjoyed the experience of working at ETS – “The Farm”, “Wit”, “Picasso at the Lapin Agile” and “Doubt” were previous efforts. Since ‘Doubt’, I’ve directed ‘ Summer Wonderland’ (Howick Little Theatre), ‘Who Wants to be 100’ (Company Theatre), ‘The Glass Menagerie’ (The Dolphin Theatre). Having previously directed “A Trick of the Light” and “Horseplay”, “Cherish” will be my third ‘go’ at a Ken Duncum play . Amazingly, not having been picked up by ‘pro’ theatre in Auckland, this will be the play’s Auckland debut.

Sian Davis has attachments to ‘the territory’ and from much the same time. After much stage experience, Sian turned to directing in 1998. (Not totally true as she had directed at school as a teacher.) The 1998 opener was Hedda Gabler, which really gave her a taste for ‘quality stuff’. Since then she has directed a melange of the classical and most wonderful (in her book) and, occasionally, the not-soentrancing – an eclectic mix in any case. From Twelfth Night for the Auckland University’s Summer Shakespeare (2004) to The Mousetrap for Company Theatre (2012) – her ‘ditziest’ in her accounting – which was probably the most popular of her productions with audiences.

Sian is particularly interested in promoting the staging of New Zealand plays, and over half of the 33 productions (up to the time of writing) have been of local plays she is proud to own. She has directed extensively throughout the Auckland am-dram scene and is, hopefully, quite well remembered at Ellerslie for such offerings as The Farm in 2002, through Wit, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Doubt, Cherish, Loot, to Social Climbers in 2015.

For Ellerslie TheatreThe House of Angels (2018)director
Social Climbers (2015)director
Loot (2013)director
Cherish (2011)director
Doubt: A Parable (2009)director
Picasso At The Lapin Agile (2005)director
Wit (2003)director
The Farm (2002)director