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John Wilson

image for John Wilson

John Wilson works as a manager in a surgical equipment and implants business. He lives with a bunch of drunks and the world's most beautiful cat.

John has been performing for a little over ten years, enjoying many roles in Shakespeare, (Macbeth, Iago, Mercutio, and King John to name a few) and more recently leads in contemporary pieces for Titirangi and Dolphin Theatres. John is currently also in rehearsal for Dolphin's next play, "Spygame". In "Roleplay" he returns to the stage after an eighteen month hiatus, so be kind.

A vegetarian, John's hobbies include: literature, promoting animal welfare and swearing at his motorbike.

For Ellerslie TheatreRoleplay (2011)Paul
Confidence Tricksters (2008)set builder
Private Wars (2006)Silvio
Female Transport (2006)Captain